Category Archives: Blogging

Is blogging still relevant?

Blogging is old hat and no longer needed as a separate entity. There, I’ve said it. After blogging for 11 years, I have had an about face and decided that blogging for blogging’s sake is irrelevant.cms-265133_1280 pixelcreatures Eileen Brown Amastra

But am I right?

Blogging has been around for the whole of the 21st century.

First coined as a term “weblog” in 1997, blogging exploded in 1999 with the launch of blogging tools such as LiveJournal and Blogger which made it easy to put your thoughts down online.

Writers live-blogged events long before instantaneous tools like Twitter and Weibo were thought of. Writing down your every thought became the de-facto “thing” for bloggers to do.

I started blogging in 2004 – fairly early on in the big scheme of things blogging-wise. Back then it was the only way to be able to communicate with an audience. We were hidebound with simple newsletters, fairly poor web pages and had little opportunity to interact with our online writers or customers.

Over the last 11 years there has been a plethora of tools that enable us to express ourselves online. YouTube (2005) allowed comments, shares and uploads of visual vignettes. Facebook initially allowed us to write on another’s wall, poke each other, and post snippets of our lives.

Self hosted WordPress sites have been around since 2003. These allow all traffic to be directed to your website and blog. Blogging was an easy way to gain clicks and eyeballs of your content

Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, MySpace, Google+ and now Tsu, the new kid on the block all allow us to express our thoughts. Even LinkedIn encourages posting directly onto its platform. We are no longer hidebound to short status updates (even Twitter has apps that enable you to tweet longer updates – or send direct messages that have no character limit.

All are discoverable by a web search. Even your public posts on Facebook can appear at the top of search results if you know the correct keywords to use.  Google+ has long indexed posts and Tsu has recently opened its doors so that its content is fully searchable.

So, with all of the opportunities to talk about what you want to, spread across numerous platforms, is blogging really necessary?  This post will propagate across four different sites – to get an audience that might find me by different means.

But will a carefully crafted bunch of content ever beat a quick post with a link to a funny video or “you’ll never guess what happened next – I was shocked” clickbait article?

Has blogging had its day? Will it be lost amongst all of the other instantaneous pieces of hurriedly curated links and status updates populating everywhere online? Or will our thoughts and musings be appreciated, discovered and relished years and years down the line as the genre evolves into something completely different…

Death of my blog?

I really intended to stop blogging on my hosted WordPress blog. I had planned to call this blog “the last post” or “Bye,Bye blog” – something whimsical perhaps, something that meant a lot to me. I had spent sometime reviewing the variety of topics I had talked about over the last ten years.

Looking back and learning will enable you to move forward eileenb Amastra Eileen Brown motivational quote

I have a new blogging site using self-hosted WordPress on My last few WordPress posts were geared up to moving my regular readers to my new location.

I included links to my new blog location and I intended to – well – just leaving the past behind as I stopped posting on my old post. I’d even planned what I would write.

I would do a retrospective post. I would touch on the highlights of the last ten years and muse on how things have changed in social publishing and engagement since I started blogging back in 2004.

But when it came to it, I just could not do it. Over the past ten years I’ve posted over 2000 articles. Most are not relevant any more. Software has been updated, opinions have changed, my job has morphed into something totally different more than once, and technology has moved on dramatically. In some ways a lot of this blog is now obsolete.

But not for me.

This is a record of the last ten years of my life, the trips I went on, the experiences I had. It really is a trip down memory lane for me. Even though I migrated the posts over to the Amastra web site and blog, I can’t leave this old blog to  site and away and die.

Blogging has been a big part of my career journey – and what an amazing journey it has been. It has not all been good. The bad bits have given me some great life lessons, and some of it has been painful, some parts have been boring and some has been filled with anxiety.

But its still my journey. And I can’t let it go.

So to compromise, I’m going to post to occasionally.The Amastra blog will now be my main blogging platform whereas my hosted WordPress blog will be updated from time to time. Hopefully these posts will never go stale, become out of date, or slip away and disappear. They will continue to be my link to my past.

Am I holding on to an out-dated blog out of some misplaced sentimentality?.  Am I doing this just to preserve a record of my longevity in this fast moving social interactive world? Am I reluctant to embrace the new and leave behind the old? All of them are probably true.

But killing this old blog off permanently is a step too far for me. I’ll be leaving my digital footprint here for a while longer I think – until it is really time to leave my musings and experiences to decay in the ethereal reaches of the digital void…

How to create YouTube slideshow videos from your images

*** Please update your feeds from to ***

You do not need to capture videos to upload onto YouTube. You can make great videos using YouTube’s slideshow tool. It is really easy to do too.

The YouTube upload button gives you four options: Capture a video with your webcam, create a photo slideshow, broadcast a Google+ Hangout, or edit a video.

  Eileen Brown Amastra

After uploading the images you have the option to rearrange them into a logical flow or story .

Eileen Brown YouTube slideshow Amastra

You can then add appropriate music to go with your video slideshow, select how long you want each slide to display, which transition you would like and whether you want to pan across the images and zoom.

How to create YouTube slideshow videos from your images Amastra Eileen Brown

Click upload, give your slideshow a title and description – and voila! You can see the finished result of uploading my images on the Amastra at Whistler slideshow on my YouTube channel.

Eileen Brown is a social media strategist and consultant at Amastra, a columnist at ZDNet and author of Working The Crowd: Social Media Marketing for Business. Connect with Eileen on Twitter and or contact her to find out how she can elevate your brand and help your business become more social.

How to optimise your images for blogging and the web

Many blogs fail due to the poor insertion of images in their posts. Images cut and pasted from your image library on your PC often contain bloated oversized images which take an age to load.

It is really important to make sure that images – and pages load quickly to stop your readers turning away.  So how do you optimise your image for your blog and the web?

Here’s an image of the office kitten sitting on the sofa in reception.

 Clyde Kitten Eileen Brown Amastra

The image name, WP_20140814_14_26_59_Pro.jpg is not very intuitive, containing only the date and time stamp of the photo. Consider naming it to something more appropriate. I renamed it to Kitten Clyde relaxing on the sofa at Amastra offices.jpg. Logical names will make the image easy to find.

On my smartphone, all images are saved in large file format. This picture currently has a file size of 3.9MB. On slow links, this image would make page loading unacceptable. The file is 1632 x 918 pixels — too wide for most web pages.

Before posting to my blog, the image needs to be optimise. Compressing the file to suit on screen displays and configuring it for websites gives me a image 448 pixels wide and 336 pixels. More importantly it gives me a file size of 33.2KB which has a faster page load time.

In order to find this image on the web it needs to be tagged. Lazy web developers often do not add the Alt tag text to the image. Adding a simple tag can ensure that your image is more likely to get discovered.

I tagged this image Clyde Kitten Eileen Brown Amastra. This will ensure that if you search for any of these phrases then this image will appear somewhere in the search results.

I have also added a watermark to the image. Most image manipulation software packages have this feature. Adding the originating URL ensures that  if the image is copied and used on another site, then the originating site can be credited where appropriate.

So now, it is ready to go, and soon will appear in searches for any of the terms in either the title or the Alt text as the web spiders crawl the site.

Try it on your own site and see your images appear in your own search results… 


The image above took 17 minutes to appear on bing search for “Clyde kitten” which proves that the technique works.

Clyde kitten Amastra Eileen Brown

*** Please update your feeds from to ***

Eileen Brown is a social media strategist and consultant at Amastra, a columnist at ZDNet and author of Working The Crowd: Social Media Marketing for Business. Connect with Eileen on Twitter and or contact her to find out how she can elevate your brand and help your business become more social.

5 reasons to put blogging at the heart of your content marketing strategy

Do you blog at your company?  If not why not?


Blogging – even though it’s considered ‘old’ amongst all of the other new shiny tools is still the best way to win hearts and minds amongst your audience.  Blogging is not dead. You can demonstrate your credibility, showcase your skills and experience and really connect with your customers.

If your organisation supports social media communication, and is open to community conversations then you should be blogging on behalf of the company.  You can have great conversations with your readers which will help you develop the next version of the product, streamline customer processes and change perception about the brand.

Why?  Here are some stats…

Blogs on company sites result in 55% more visitors

Blogs are 63% more likely to influence purchase decisions than magazines

Companies with blogs get 97% more inbound links than others

37% of marketers say blogs are the most valuable content type for marketing

Blogs give sites 434% more indexed pages and 97% more indexed links

Blogging should be a key part of your content strategy. The top 3 reasons why people follow brands on social media is to down to interesting content. Blogging gives you the vehicle to write compelling and interesting content for your audience.  As 70% of consumers say that they prefer getting to know a company via articles rather than ads, blogging seems a natural choice.

60% of consumers feel more positive about a company after reading custom content on its site.  It’s hard for them to feel more positive about you if all they have to go on is your standard site with dated web pages.

It helps with your marketing efforts too. 63% of companies said that posting content on social media has increased their marketing effectiveness.  They have gone beyond the campaign with conversational content. 

If you’re still not sure, have a look at the most social companies report from Netprospex.  all of these companies have a great presence online,  Most of them blog (in fact the New York Times has dramatically changed its business model as it recognised the shift to online activities.

Blogging works.  Honestly.  You need to be a good blogger, remembering to post your blogging update at the right time of day.  you need to have the ability to tell great stories.  If you’re stuck for content there are many ways to avoid bloggers block.

As a company, you need to encourage your employees to blog, either to benefit other staff by blogging on the intranet.  Give your employees time to blog

If you want a better way to engage your fans, then blogging should be top of your content strategy plan…

Eileen is a social business strategist, ZDNet columnist and author of Working The Crowd: Social Media Marketing for Business. Contact her to find out how she can help your business extend its reach.

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Credit: Annie Mole

25 ways to improve your online SEO

imageI’ve decided to choose different resolutions this year – just to be different. 

This year, I’m focusing on my online activities and trying to improve what I do online.

Hints and tips for online activity are all well and good – but they’ve got to be achievable.  Unrealistic targets just demotivate people and defeats the objective. 

I hope that these changes I’ll make will improve my online SEO. Looking at the statistics from last year, my blog is getting found for different reasons.  This year, I want to target how readers land on my blog pages.  i want them to arrive here because of social media content, not because of hamsters and kittens as my blogging 2011 year in review indicated

So my 2012 resolutions are easy to keep – hopefully:



  • Blog regularly – at least twice per week. 
  • Use lots of white space in blog posts for better SEO
  • Use relevant and useful anchor text links
  • Divide posts up into sub headings for better SEO
  • Use SEO friendly blog titles.  For example the initial title of this post was ‘Improving online SEO’ which I changed as the post evolved


  • Use the 80: 20 rule.  80% relevant, interesting work related tweets, 20% home related or observational personal tweets
  • Use the automatic retweet feature only when the original tweet is too long to use the RT feature, or wouldn’t make sense if shortened
  • Don’t start reply tweets with the @name response.  Adding text in front of the @name brings all of your followers into your conversation
  • Try to tweet daily. Keep things interesting
  • Respond to tweets and direct messages promptly, with humour and kindness

Facebook :

  • Ask more questions on my Facebook pages.  Treat each page as a second account with its own personality
  • Cross link my book Facebook page to my company Facebook page (—done)
  • Update the pages regularly
  • Drive people to each page to encourage interaction and engagement
  • Share  interesting links I find

LinkedIn :

  • Read group digest emails and respond to group discussions
  • Add an auto-signature to each message I post in a group so that I’m contactable
  • Use the remove connections link to prune LinkedIn connections who are using my network as a way to connect with new people
  • Update my LinkedIn status regularly
  • Keep the LinkedIn company page up to date

Google + :

  • Update status with blog posts and updates
  • Share Facebook interesting information with Google + followers
  • Share Google + links with Facebook followers
  • Invest more time in updating the Google + company page
  • Decide whether to prioritise activity on Google + over Facebook, or drop Google + completely

I wonder whether I’ll succeed in my goals for 2012, or whether my final score is only 10/25.

Lets see… Smile


Eileen is a social business strategist, ZDNet columnist and author of Working The Crowd: Social Media Marketing for Business. Contact her to find out how she can help your business extend its reach.

Image Credit Search Engine People

Blogging in 2011.. Year in Review


Looking back over my posts this year have made me reflect on some of my posts.  I’ve posted to this blog 236 times which is quite impressive.  I’ve obviously got a lot to say.

I’ve uncovered some interesting pointers with the things people search for too.  Sweet kittens, kitteh and funny hamsters all appear on my search stats.  But there are valid posts too.  For example:

Phone scamming is still pervasive se people search for scammers and other calls claiming that your computer has malware

How to cope in corporate environments also seems to be a key topic, with posts on corporate culture and how to change corporate culture

Several social media posts popped up on the list too, such as crisis management, writing your social media strategy and understanding your social ROI

It’s not only posts written this year that are discovered by searches.  Posts I’d written when I was at Microsoft, such as the missing Drafts folder in Outlook 2007 found with MFCMAPI (from January 2009) and importing Outlook into Windows Live Calendar (from April 2007) still turn up in my weekly stats report.

And on the personal side, my post about Johari Windows, written over 2 years ago now, still gets its fair share of views amongst the posts about leadership, social business, and cool technology features.

Reflecting on 2011 has given me some great ideas what to talk about for 2012.  I’m fired up and ready for 2012 to get going

I hope that you all have a very happy, and successful New Year with no bloggers block in sight!  Smile

Eileen is a social business strategist, ZDNet columnist and author of Working The Crowd: Social Media Marketing for Business. Contact her to find out how she can help your business extend its reach.

Image credit: Cristamos

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Do you really own your online profile?

imageThere have been some interesting issues recently over Intellectual property, privacy, profiles and blog styles.  Who really owns the content you produce on Twitter and your blog?   Who really owns your Twitter account? Who really owns the content you write on your blog? Why does it matter so much?

Blogs can bring big rewards for business.

Successful bloggers pull in hundreds of thousands of readers onto the blog.  A great blog can improve perception about a company. They bring awareness and reach for the blog site owner.  They bring new views to pages with associated advertising.  They bring revenue.  So by protecting their revenue streams its understandable that companies also want to protect their investment in maintaining their strong brand.

Bloggers with a strong personal brand can cost businesses dearly if the blogger decides to move on to another job..

The York Times sued AOL over Trademark infringement claiming that blogger Lisa Belkin had taken her Motherlode blog over to the Huffington post when she moved.  The Motherlode blog was actually still being published by the New York Times but Lisa had called her new blog ‘Parentlode’ to incorporate male and female parenting. The New York Times claimed that it would ‘confuse’ readers

Some companies have clauses in their employee guidelines which talk about IP ownership of content whilst you work for them.  If you have a multi million idea whilst you work for a company you could develop that idea and bring it to production.  This idea could turn into a thriving business and make you millions.  If the idea was somehow related to what your job was, then the company could have a claim on your potential fortune.

But what about followers and friends that you’ve built up over your time at the company?  What about your LinkedIn connections?  If you make connections in the normal course of your job, and add those connections to your LinkedIn profile, are they your connections – or are they part of the CRM database at your employer?

Your Twitter account is yours – isn’t it?

Laura Kuenssberg built up a strong following whilst at the BBC and took her personal Twitter account – and her followers with her when she joined ITV.  Phonedog sued Noah Kravitz when he left Phonedog and changed his Twitter username to noahkravitz, keeping his followers on his personal account.  Phonedog  sued Noah for “(1) misappropriation of trade secrets, (2) interference with economic advantage; and (3) conversion”  This ‘land grabbing’ by corporates over Twitter accounts raises an interesting point for those of you who use your personal online Twitter brand to communicate on behalf of a company.

If you register something on behalf of a company, or maintain a list of passwords and other data, then that data belongs to the company and should be returned when requested.  Similarly, any credentials should be returned to the company – who should already know the usernames and passwords used to access the account.

But is a company Twitter account really a trade secret?

It’s easy to see all followers and all that you’re following, your favourites are for everyone to see, as are your images and public Tweets.  A simple call to the api can track conversations and trends.  Is it really all that secret at all?  The only thing that is secret are Direct messages – and the logon password.  Techdirt sums the argument up well..

If you want him to Tweet as the company, give him the company account.  If you want to him to Tweet as himself, let him do so.  Suing for the account just seems silly and petty.

Rick Sanchez took his personal Twitter account with him when he was fired from CNN taking almost 150,000 Twitter followers with him too.  He tweeted about CNN as a business- but probably mixed in his personal Tweets in his main stream.  Most of us do this – even with corporate Twitter accounts.  Many people Tweeting about a company from a personal have a disclaimer on their Twitter account.  They usually state that their tweets are their own opinions and do not reflect the views of the company.  So why do some companies get so bothered about the loss of followers if they have allowed employees to blog as themselves.  The spam notes blog has some interesting points on how CNN could have incorporated some appropriate clauses into their social media guidelines:

If they had built in contractual protection, it could provide that upon termination:

(1) Sanchez would stop using the account immediately; (2) CNN would have access to Sanchez’s password at all times; (3) Sanchez would not post any public statements without CNN’s approval; and (4) Sanchez would turn over the account to CNN.

Who owns the brand?

If you want to ‘own’ the brand name such as @BTCare, @Bing, @Starbucks, @Ford and @Microsoft Twitter accounts then it’s better to create a corporate brand name and get members of the team to use the corporate account to broadcast on your behalf.  Then, when a team changes, a simple change in password will ensure that corporate identity is maintained.

If your internal staff have ‘personality’ Twitter accounts, be prepared to lose the followers if your employee leaves the company.  Make sure you have great guidelines and policies in place and make sure your measurements reflect the brand not the individual.  Taking staff to court in order to reclaim followers may rebound adversely on the brand.

If you followed a personality, and they left the company and their Twitter account remained with the brand, what would you do?  Would you stay with the brand or would you continue to follow the personality?

Who ‘owns’ the online brand, who ‘owns’ the ‘personality’?

The answer to one seems simple, the answer to the other could be argued in court for some time yet.   Make sure you’re very clear about who you really think you are – before you touch that keyboard…

Eileen is a social business strategist and author of Working The Crowd: Social Media Marketing for Business. Contact her to find out how she can help your business extend its reach.

Image credit: Flickr

9 ways to avoid bloggers block


It’s difficult coming up with good blog entries but if you blog for a company, blogging might be written into your objectives.  If the company is moving forward in its efforts to become more transparent in business and demonstrate its commitment to its customers, its staff or the environment, then it will be looking towards the corporate bloggers inside the company to spread its message to a broader audience.

But what if you’ve hit that wall of bloggers block?

What if even writing 140 characters in Twitter is a bit of a struggle?  How do you get past that wall

Creating good content for your blog is hard – but it’s even harder if you don’t have any inspiration about what to blog about.  Fortunately there are many ways around bloggers block when it hits.


Here are ideas that I use from time to time when inspiration deserts me.

    1. Search the forums.  If you blog about technology then look at the technical forums for the topics that come up time and time again.  These are usually submitted by people who don’t know how to use the forum search feature.  Create a ‘how to’ blog and link to it from the forum.  My post from 2008 on Importing Outlook to windows Live Calendar still gets several hits each day.
    2. Save interesting Tweets as Favourites.  If you see a Tweet talking about something that might be useful as a blog post, save it as a favourite.  You can always come back to the list of favourites later and use the content as a basis for your blog post.
    3. Use Live Writer or Word to save drafts.  I use Live Writer to save snippets of blog posts that need more research, more information, or more content.  I then add to them and publish them when they’re ready.
    4. Use OneNote to save web snips.  I use OneNote extensively to store information that i haven’t got time to read.  My OneNote notebook holds interesting snippets and I use the right mouse button to “Send to OneNote” when I don’t have time to read the whole pdf online.  The great thing about OneNote is its searchable so I can quickly find what I need
    5. Watch the news feeds.  There’s always something to blog about in the news feeds via Twitter and LinkedIn.  Find an interesting topic and talk about
    6. Span social sites for information.  Browse Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google + to see themes that are appearing across the social platforms.  They’ll be sure to give you enough information to start you off with a topic
    7. Write something.  Even if you save it as a draft and don’t go back to it in a while, you’ve started a blog post.  Next time you visit it, you’ll edit it and refine it into something amazing
    8. Don’t focus on Twitter and Google+  They might be the  easy to use, simple, shiny and new, but you can’t demonstrate your professional credibility, ability and knowledge in quite the same way
    9. Don’t give up.  Who knows, one day, blogging could bring your the reach and profile you’ve been searching for.

And tip number 10?  I don’t have ALL the answers Smile What’s your best tip to avoid bloggers block?


Eileen is a social business strategist and author of Working The Crowd: Social Media Marketing for Business. Contact her to find out how she can help your business extend its reach.

Image credit: Flickr

Blogging Generosity: Tips to be a good blogger

I like this post on how to be a good blogger.  You can be a good blogger by being a generous blogger.

I particularly like these points:

    • Writes posts that are of service to her reader.
    • Uses her blog stats to figure out how she can create more posts of value for her reader.
    • Reads other blogs as often as she would like to be read.
    • Is grateful for her readers no matter how many, or few there are.
    • Makes it easy for readers to subscribe to her blog.

imageI often have a look back at older posts that are still getting clicks and turn up in searches regularly.  I’m surprised that some of my really old posts, written when I was still at Microsoft, still get queried every week.  These are often the basis of my new blog posts and I’m often surprised at what topics people want to know about.

But repetition isn’t too much of a bad thing.

Posts can be revised and revisited, improved and enhanced.

Blogging is still a great way to get your message out and demonstrate your credibility.  It can lead to an increase in sales leads and it can help your customers review information you’ve told them in the past.

There are a few fundamental blogging tips that span the test of time and are still very valid blogging tips:

Tell great stories to keep the reader coming back to your blog

Blogs are not dead.  Keep your blog alive by regularly posting, blogging effectively and responding to comments.  Don’t lose focus because the next new shiny thing has appeared in social networking circles.

Make time to blog.  Keep your credibility going.  The new shiny thing might not be there forever…

If you want to increase your connections using social blogging then make sure you are in listening mode.  Stop broadcasting.  comment on other blogs, engage and interact.

Be generous with your blog links.  Trackbacks and pingbacks are powerful blogging features that will improve your blogging reach and visibility.

It’s not always about the shiny new thing.  Sometimes traditional ways of working still stand the test of time…

Eileen is a social business strategist and author of Working The Crowd: Social Media Marketing for Business. Contact her to find out how she can help your business extend its reach.

Image Credit: Flickr

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