Daily Archives: August 6, 2010

social networks shaping our lives

I’ve mentioned this theme before when I linked to the TED video but here’s the full session from Nicholas Christakis talking about how our social networks affect us and our lives.  He talks about it in the context of obesity and how your friends could be responsible for your tummy.  I know that my friends are certainly responsible for that midnight kebab they persuade me to get when we’ve been out for a few beers.  Therefore my friends have certainly contributed to my own spare tyre. 🙂


He also talks about happy people and unhappy people and how your position in the network is strongly linked to how happy or you are and how the network magnifies and spreads what it is seeded with.

The shape of the network matters significantly.  Connections matter.  Social networks change shape and are resistant to injury (if one person leaves the network then it will continue to exist). The pooling of knowledge, the collection of information which is greater than each individuals knowledge.

it’s a great insight into haw social networks work, and why some social networking sites are much more successful than others.  The weak tie concept is explained properly and why you should cultivate the relationship with the folks at your network edges.  Whether it’s to find your mastodon, or link to your other network, your weak ties are really important.

So if you see that dialog box  on Facebook about one of your friends saying “Reconnect with them”, you might just want to send a message. You never know what it might lead to 🙂


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