Daily Archives: August 16, 2010

Facebook pages are visible even when not logged in

I was concerned to see Aliza’s post about Facebook pages only being available to people who had an account with Facebook.  I checked to see if I could access any of the Facebook pages without being logged in.


Fortunately I can see my book, and other vanity URL’s when I’m not logged in.  As Aliza says, this would be a dreadful issue for businesses who wanted to reach out beyond the walled garden of Facebook and promote their business pages using other digital and printed media.  As you can see by the top of the image, you can still sign up to Facebook if you choose to interact more closely with the page or brand, but you still have that choice.

Aliza, perhaps this is just an issue for US folks, because here in the UK, I can see pages just fine 🙂

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The connectedness of it all

A random journey about the connectedness of things thanks to vimeo.


I love how they manage to weave hamsters into the great story of teenage poetry albums, hobbits, virgins and beer drinking.


Magical stuff…


Thanks to ClemensKogler for the whimsy

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