Cloud collaboration enables the social sustainable business

What does it take to make your business more social?

Flexibility, Mobility, Accessibility and Portability.  That’s difficult if you are desk bound, and can’t do anything else…

But with access to your information from anywhere, any device, you can work anywhere.  Cisco have released a video which shows this concept rather well..


The social business works without organisational boundaries. It empowers workers making them more flexible in where and when they want to work

Access from any device, at any time, any location.  Get the information you need, on the form factor you need, in the way you need.  Collaborate in the way you want to, on the phone, face to face, via email or video.  The opportunities are endless.

Clouds work for small businesses  — that don’t want the overhead of managing the infrastructure.  The cloud also works for large businesses too.  MyStarbucksidea runs in the cloud on

The flexibility in working where you want to means that travel budgets can be managed effectively.  There is no overhead in time lost commuting, nor any extra resources used.

Make your business more social – move your infrastructure to the cloud.  Any cloud.  The Amazon cloud, the Google cloud, the Cisco cloud, the Microsoft cloud.

You’ll save server resources, improve agility, and be able to access your data anywhere…

Hat tip to Gareth for the original collaboration post

Eileen is a social business strategist, ZDNet columnist and author of Working The Crowd: Social Media Marketing for Business. Contact her to find out how she can help your business extend its reach.