Value of social media apps to B2B and B2C

I’m writing a course which I’m going to deliver as a workshop on B2B social media marketing later this year, and I’ve been trying to make sense of where each social media application and concept fits along the social media B2B, B2C continuum.  This is my first attempt at putting it on one slide.  It’s not quite the Gartner quadrant model but it makes sense to me.

image I’ve arranged corporate initiatives, simplified them slightly and arranged them on the B2B and B2C grid.  I’ve thought about the impact that each initiative and each application has on the relevant audience when implemented by companies.  I’ve also considered the value to each company in the effort connecting to their audience and whether its actually worth making the investment in time.

So here’s my graph.   Should anything be moved?  Is anything missing?  Is there one application of concept that transcends both B2B and B2C, so with the same amount of effort you can achieve great things in both markets?

What do you think?

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5 thoughts on “Value of social media apps to B2B and B2C

  1. P J Bryant

    I’d bump webcasts above whitepapers in B2B value. Whilst whitepapers are good, a *good* webcast gets me engaged more with a business provider – it can make me choose to use them, or investigate tehm more. A whitepaper is less likely to achieve that.

    1. eileenb Post author

      Peter, thanks for the feedback on the slide. I’ve shuffled the boxes around. You’ve obviously been on some great webcasts – I’ve had a poorer extperience than you from time to time 😀

  2. Luciano Palma

    Hi Eileen,

    Your challenge is big, because the social media components are so flexible that many times the WAY it is used is what will define better where to position it in your slide (indeed, many tools appear in more than one quadrant).

    Recently I did a presentation where one slide resembles yours.
    You can check it here:

    What do you think about that one? Feel free to use/improve it 😉

    PS: On the “blog” level, I used to explain that the Personal/Professional distinction is not related to the tool, but to the content that would be made available on the blog. And after all, this line is getting more and more blurred, isn’t it? 😉

    1. eileenb Post author

      that’s an excellent slide – and much less compex than mine is… I shall steal it and use it in some of my presentations when I need to simplify things. I love your brand too 🙂

  3. Pingback: Why bother blogging? « Eileen's Technology blog

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