How to keep your job – or get a better one

Some ideas from my blog feed about keeping your job in these uncertain times, the skills you may need to think about for your current role, your career (is it the one you really want?), or what you can do if you don’t currently have a position you want:


Make yourself high value and hard to replace.  Katie has a great picture and a pointer to some great advice from Mike Pegg


Think about the sort of job you really want.  Is a lifestyle career really what you want?  Think about your job skills, performance and opportunities to get yourself a more fulfilling career, choose an employer that suits your vision and goals for the future.  Think about how happy you actually want to be at work.  Some people don’t actually want to be happy at work, but don’t let their negativity halt your progress or take over the team or the workplace

If you’ve lost your job,. you’re probably feeling down.,  Well read these 10 tips to try to turn around the blues, 10 tips to try so you can get what you want (a new job perhaps?)

And if you’re a woman reading this, you may have decided to leave your job in IT.  you’re not alone here’s what they think about why women leave their jobs in the US, or quit computer science

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