Customer awareness of Facebook and what it means for business

It’s quite interesting to watch the statistics for Facebook and the phenomenal numbers of users.   Take this list of top 5 countries on Facebook for example:

1 United States 142 631 260
2 Indonesia 29 363 800
3 United Kingdom 28 038 000
4 Turkey 23 036 280
5 France 19 592 080

Wow – almost 60% of the online population in the US use Facebook, and almost 55% of the online population of the UK.  That means the potential to get your brand noticed, and discussed amongst your customers and their friends is huge.  What does this mean from brand awareness then? As Brian Solis pointed out in his post the other day, the top 10 brands on Facebook are all US or global brands.

The top brands in the US are:

    1. Barack Obama
    2. Xbox
    3. Taco Bell
    4. ESPN
    5. Walmart
    6. NPR
    7. Cartoon Network
    8. The Onion
    9. Best Buy
    10. JC Penny  

Politics, Entertainment, sport, shopping, food

However, the UK has it’s own top brands too (as do several other countries):

    1. iTunes UK
    2. Starbucks UK
    3. BBC World News
    4. Smirnoff GB
    5. Kiss 100
    6. Vodaphone UK
    7. Blackberry UK and Ireland
    8. Haribo Cherries
    9. Esprit UK
    10. O2

Leisure, News drinking, Mobile Technology, Cherries (?) (and a relief to note that Coffee ranks more than alcohol over here at the moment)

with 50% of online audiences on Facebook, it’s vital that you have a presence there.  As I say in my book and every workshop I deliver

Fish where the fish are – don’t fish in stagnant water

No matter what your brand is –

  • if it’s appealing to the consumer, then you need to have a presence on Facebook
  • if it’s an event – you need to have a page on Facebook
  • If you’re trying to generate buzz about your brand – you need a page on Facebook
  • If its awareness – then you need a page…

Get the picture?  You HAVE to be here… Your competitors are there, they are making great connections with their customers.  You need to be too.

And if you want to know where I got all these stats?  Facebakers… Great site and well worth bookmarking for future reference…

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