How to create a good online brand

I’m often horrified at some of the photos  I see on Facebook, not uploaded by my friends, but my friends have been tagged by their friends and some of these photos are totally inappropriate.  People are also rather indiscreet on Twitter too.  Take this example about an employee who Tweeted something that probably damaged a good customer relationship.  not the thing to do in these uncertain times.

What about your private email address?  – Perhaps you may want to put a more corporate address onto your Facebook profile.

So this Personal branding post has a lot of good tips in it but I’d add a few others too:

  1. Search for your name on the Internet – if there’s something bad on there you can guess your prospective employer will have found it too
  2. Sensible email manes please and may be funny when you’re at college but would I want to hire you for that top job you’ve been looking for?
  3. LinkedIn / Facebook / Twitter profiles.  You may think that they’re pithy, witty and humorous.  WOuld you next employer think so?
  4. Twitter / Facebook feeds.  Do we really need that much detail about your personal life?  Bleeping the swear words out with *** – we can all guess what you mean
  5. I may not follow you on Twitter, but I may follow someone who follows you – how can you guarantee that people who contact you are not saying something to upset a prospective employer?
  6. If you use Facebook for your private and public personas, then learn to use the privacy settings




Be careful about your online brand – you have no idea who is looking…



more resources to read…

Business thoughts on Networking

Will companies value your personal Network?

Develop a strong personal brand online – part 1

Develop a strong personal brand online – part 2

The power of personal branding

What is your most valuable asset?

How do others see you?


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